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This is the setting for psql, a client tool for PostgreSQL.


This is the recommended setting for PSQL_PAGER. Header 1 is specified (-H1). “|” is used to separate columns (-d "|"), and column mode (-C) is set. Exit the pager (-F) if the content fits on the screen. It is also recommended to change the color of the columns(--column-rainbow).

The --align option added in v0.37.0 can also be used to shrink columns.

PSQL_PAGER 'ov -F -C -d "|" -H1 --column-rainbow --align'

The following sets the header style of config.yaml.

  Background: "#23274f"
  Bold: true
  Foreground: "lightcyan"
  Reverse: true
  Background: "#2a2a2a"

psql psql

watch(PostgreSQL 15)

A pager is available for WATCH from PostgreSQL version 15. This is the recommended value for PSQL_WATCH_PAGER. Continues to display the last section separated by blank lines.

PSQL_WATCH_PAGER 'ov --follow-section --section-delimiter "^$"'

watch watch

expanded output (\x)

When displaying in the extended output (\x), treat the record delimiter as a section delimiter. This will make the display easier to see when moved.

PAGER='ov -F --section-delimiter "^-"'

\\x \\x

You can also display expanded output (\x) with \watch.

watch2 watch2

unaligned (\a)

By specifying \a on the psql side, you can display without alignment (without aligning columns). This is done by specifying the --align option of ov.

PSQL_PAGER='ov -F -C -d "|" -H1 --column-rainbow --align'

unalign unalign