trdsql For fixed width

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trdsql can receive data from Standard input, but the output such as PS interpreted a format that is not originally a space separation, so the column.The interpretation was not accurate.

trdsql 0.11.1 uses the -iwidth option to handle a row of a fixed length as a table. With this option, you can interpret output like ps more accurately.

ps | trdsql -omd -iwidth "SELECT * FROM - "
|  PID   |  TTY  |   TIME   |  CMD   |
| 237958 | pts/2 | 00:00:02 | zsh    |
| 369132 | pts/2 | 00:00:00 | ps     |
| 369133 | pts/2 | 00:00:00 | trdsql |

You can interpret it when there is a row name header and the header is output according to the width of the value later.

Outputs such as ps, docker ps, docker images, df, dpkg -l, etc. are confirmed.

docker ps -a|trdsql -ojson -iwidth "SELECT * FROM -"
    "CONTAINER ID": "52b096a5473b",
    "IMAGE": "69b11229fb45",
    "COMMAND": "\"/bin/sh -c 'set -ex…\"",
    "CREATED": "17 months ago",
    "STATUS": "Exited (2) 17 months ago",
    "PORTS": "",
    "NAMES": "admiring_mahavira"
    "CONTAINER ID": "5aa93ac03306",
    "IMAGE": "chentex/random-logger:latest",
    "COMMAND": "\"/ 100 …\"",
    "CREATED": "3 months ago",
    "STATUS": "Exited (137) 3 months ago",
    "PORTS": "",
    "NAMES": "admiring_poitras"
    "CONTAINER ID": "ac978c968bd3",
    "IMAGE": "chentex/random-logger:latest",
    "COMMAND": "\"/ 100 …\"",
    "CREATED": "14 months ago",
    "STATUS": "Exited (130) 14 months ago",
    "PORTS": "",
    "NAMES": "adoring_euler"